How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 259: Eventful (1)

Chapter 259: Eventful (1)

In my past life drunk driving was almost akin to attempted murder, but in this world, there wasnt even proper traffic law, let alone drunk driving laws. Even the only means of transportation, a carriage, was merely taxed; the driver being drunk wasnt considered a problem.

Furthermore, given that society is as it is, the perspective on alcohol consumption is both lenient and strict, and post-drinking crimes are similar. Even if one commits a crime while drunk, the focus is solely on that crime, rather than addressing the issue of drinking itself.

For example, lets say a person who drank heavily suddenly assaulted someone in a fit of rage. The law focuses solely on the assault, disregarding the issue of alcohol consumption as an exception.

Consequently, its common to joke that one would wake up in jail after sobering up from drinking. In other words, it implies that its extremely difficult to impose punishment for drunk driving, and compensation for damages is considered a relatively appropriate penalty.

Ains himself seemed to acknowledge his wrongdoing willingly, but the problem was that he was severely short of money. This was the case for other dwarves as well. This led to a difficult situation, but the solution was quite simple. It was to deploy Ains and three other dwarves to the construction site. It was a time when labor was needed, and dwarves could be trusted, so the situation was smoothly resolved.

Instead, it was decided that the car would be kept under our familys supervision until the end of the exhibition. It was placed in the mansions yard to prevent any potential theft.

Thus, a tumultuous day passed, and the next morning dawned.


Ah, Cecily Noona.

As the morning sun rose, Cecily arrived at our mansion. As always, she was accompanied by her bodyguard, Gartz, who silently nodded his head upon seeing me.

Gartz was dressed in ordinary attire as he had always been seen so far, but Cecily, as expected, did not disappoint. She wore the black dress I had seen in Helium, which not only exposed her shoulders but also revealed about half of her large chest, adorned with frills.

It expressed both sexiness and sensuality while flawlessly revealing Cecilys seductive charm. Although we were already intimately acquainted, every time Cecily wore such a provocative dress, it felt like going back to the first time we met.

It meant there was nowhere else to look.

Moreover, Marie, who wore a modest dress with almost no exposure at this exhibition, made the comparison even more apparent. However, its not to say that Marie was inferior to Cecily; they both had distinct characteristics.

While Cecily exuded sexiness and sensuality, Marie displayed innocence and purity, much like the color of her hair.

In reality, both Marie and Cecily had their ways of captivating attention, but lets move on from that.

You came later than I expected. Was something going on?

Yeah. I had to upgrade the typewriter, and there was someone I had to meet.

Someone you had to meet?

I raised an eyebrow. If it was someone the princess of Helium had to meet, then surely it was someone significant.

And the person Cecily mentioned was enough to surprise me slightly.

Yeah. Have you heard of Scar? The director of the Matrics Troupe.

Of course, I know him. Did you meet him?

In fact, since the last exhibition, hes been supported at a national level. And he was preparing a large project for this exhibition. Youll probably be surprised when you see it.

What kind of project could it be that made Cecily so confident? If it were someone else, I might not have been as curious, but since it was Cecily who mentioned it, it only heightened my curiosity.

Considering her nonchalant reaction to ordinary magic, there must be an extraordinary performance awaiting us.

If Isaac desires, I can show it right away. You are the creator, so youre entitled to that.

No, its okay. Its not fun to see it beforehand. Unless its a trailer.

I still vividly remember it. A large scythe suddenly emerging from behind the devilized mage and swiftly capturing them.

From then on, the Matrics Troupe, which had shown remarkable plays, lived up to its reputation by presenting a performance worthy of it.

Combined with the sophisticated music of the Lyrus Ensemble, it was truly outstanding.

Theyll show the trailer on the day of the exhibition, just like the last one.

Im looking forward to it. Can you tell me what the story is this time? Is it still about Sacran?

At my question, Cecily chuckled and shook her head. It was surprising since Sacrans story had left the deepest impression on the demons.

Seeing my puzzled expression, Cecily explained the story.

No, its about Kyir and Alicia this time. Well, you could say it revolves around the 11th volume.

Ah. Did they depict Kyirs death as well?

Thats also surprising. Kyirs death is a well-known scene, portraying the tragedy that occurred due to the difference in lifespans.

While the demons empathized deeply due to their long lifespans like the elves, it didnt attract much attention from demons as it was a story between humans and elves.

Moreover, Scar was a demon, so its unexpected that he would turn that story into a performance.

Yeah. By the way, I only saw the trailer, but it was still incredibly impressive. It made me realize what kind of result you can get when you give time and budget to a master craftsman.

Now Im even more curious hearing you talk about it.

You can look forward to this exhibition. I guarantee it.

It was even more anticipated now that shes guaranteed it. While chatting with Cecily, I headed to the guest room.

She didnt have any luggage, but being escorted was customary.

Did Marie arrive first?

Yeah. She went to see Lily.

Oh right. By now, Lily must have been born. I cant wait to see her.

Although Lily had only been born for two months, she was already extremely popular. Marie went crazy over how cute she was as soon as she saw her.

Meanwhile, there was an unusual atmosphere as she glanced at me subtly. After seeing Lily, it felt like something had slightly shifted.

Im a little afraid that Cecily might be like that too. Especially since she openly declared it after Volume 19, her chances are much higher than Maries.

Did she feel my gaze? Cecily asked me with a beautiful smile.

Why are you staring at me like that?

Because youre so beautiful, noona.


Cecily smiled softly, seeming to be in a better mood from my praise, as I noticed her cheeks slightly reddening.

After escorting Cecily to the guest room, I asked Gartz to bring the typewriter to my bedroom. Specifically, to the safe he had given me as a gift during the previous exhibition.

I trusted Gartz enough to permit access to my bedroom. After assigning Cecily a room, we moved to the lounge.

Since were both going to sleep in one bed anyway, why dont we just stay together in your room?

Sorry. Marie has already taken over. Besides, Marie and I are officially engaged, you know.


Was my response dissatisfactory? Cecily stared blankly at me for a moment before lowering her gaze.

Then, gently placing her hand on her neatly rounded belly, she whispered softly enough for me to hear.

Should I really cut in line? Im jealous every time I hear it.


It sounded more like a serious comment than a joke, so I hurriedly nudged her. Cecilys jealousy towards Marie seemed to be growing day by day.

More accurately, it seemed to be her desire for my child. It seemed that she was unwilling to yield to anything other than having a child.

This was a problem that even Marie couldnt yield to, so it was a headache in many ways. Ill have to mediate as much as possible.

Aww, so adorable.

Really cute, isnt she?

Yes. Absolutely lovely.

Of course, this was a valid concern only until she saw Lily. Just like Marie, Cecily also showed a loving reaction as soon as she saw Lily, who was bumbling in the cradle.

Mother nodded with a pleased expression at Cecilys reaction, while Marie nodded in full empathy.

Just like Cecily, who showed a strong reaction, Lily was also staring at her with wide-open eyes as soon as she saw her. Putting her fingers in her mouth and sucking on them was an added bonus.

Normally, Lily should be sleeping, but luckily for her, Cecily arrived just when Lily woke up. Thanks to that, Lily also got to meet two new big sisters at the same time.


Lily reached out her arms while babbling, perhaps intrigued by the horns on Cecilys head. Cecily responded to her request by gently lowering her head.

Then, Lily grabbed Cecilys horns with a firm grip. Allowing someone to touch their horns is a sign of love, but its also used as a gesture of affection.

When I grab the horns, I can hold them all in one hand, but Lilys grip shows a clear size difference. Lily also seemed to confirm Cecilys affection as she burst into giggles. It was a killer smile that melted away all the accumulated fatigue at once.


However, babies being babies, not long after, Lily began to yawn loudly and her eyes started to droop. The hand that was holding Cecilys horns also naturally fell away.

Mother, who had been watching Lily with a pleased expression by her side, took her out of the cradle and went out of the room as soon as she checked on Lily rubbing her eyes.

Although the brief healing time ended too soon, there were still plenty of stories to be told. The women, including myself, sat down on the sofa and began chatting.

Thanks to Mothers thoughtful preparation of snacks beforehand, there was no chance of feeling hungry.

Come to think of it, where did Adelia go?

Shes currently undergoing maid training. If you want to meet her, you can do so in the evening.

When will the actual activities start then?

I heard she can start working from the beginning of the exhibition.

Custom-made maid uniform was prepared for Adelia. However, the nanny explained that she wouldnt wear a maid uniform everywhere.

She would wear maid uniforms within the mansion, but wear neat formal wear when going out, like the attire worn by casino dealers.

If Adelia were an ordinary maid, she would wear a maid uniform everywhere, but she also serves as a bodyguard. If shes accompanying a bodyguard, naturally, she cant be easily approached.

Furthermore, the nanny explained that since exclusive maids indirectly represent the dignity of the household, they should wear formal attire when going out.

Its a bit disappointing, but Adelia should be satisfied with just wearing the maid uniform.

Oh, by the way, I should add that I requested the design of the maid uniform. I vividly remember the nanny looking at me with a subtle gaze as she saw the drawing.

It was like she was saying, Youre a man too, huh. Im looking forward to seeing Adelia wear it soon.

Then lets talk about it later.

Huh? What do you mean?

We made an agreement during the vacation about what Marie would wear. Remember?

As expected, Cecily. You catch on fast.

Cecily sought approval, and Marie nodded satisfactorily. It seemed there had been some sort of conversation between them as per Maries previous mention.

The focus of that conversation was undoubtedly Adelia. I was curious about what they were talking about, but I figured they wouldnt give me a clear answer if I asked, so I let it go.

Whats important now is the upcoming exhibition, right in front of us. Since Cecily had just arrived, it was an appropriate time to bring up the subject.

Noona also asked me for guidance, didnt she?

Yeah. Rina asked me before. She said you got tangled up with some strange woman, didnt she?

It was that nosy princess. How could she do that to a man whos already engaged?

Marie grumbled with rare animosity.

People closely related to me knew about the events between me, Adelia, and Hiriya. It was somewhat natural for Mari eto react like this.

Especially Hiriya, unlike the women who genuinely showed affection for me, was using me as a means of revenge. Its only natural that she would seem resentful.

Furthermore, not only did she use her power to make things difficult for me, but I am currently officially engaged to Marie. Regardless of me being Xenon, its practically a diplomatic insult.

Among the nobility, dirty politics come and go, but at least one must protect the nobility of ones own country. If they are constantly subjected to mistreatment without any response, what will the nobles of our own country think?

In reality, its nothing short of going to extremes for Hiriya to outwit Adelia. If my betrothed were not a daughter of the Requilis family but an ordinary noblewoman, she would have forced the issue even if it meant coercion.

However, once actions at the national level are initiated, they cant be this petty. Moreover, without a suitable pretext at hand, the likelihood of the Ters Kingdom doing anything suspicious is very low.

At this point, we need to make it clear. Isaacs official betrothed is none other than me. In that sense, can we go together?

Since youre the betrothed, its possible. But youll lose your time and also have to engage in politics, is that okay?

We just need to contain the Ters Kingdom. The rest is just friends hanging out. Right, Cecily?

Marie nodded her head and sought agreement from Cecily, who was sitting to my right, with a confident expression.

However, Cecily showed a somewhat ambiguous attitude upon hearing her question. When Marie looked at her with a puzzled expression, Cecily spoke up.

Well, thats true but Im a bit concerned about Alvenheim.

The Elven Queen? Are you talking about Queen Arwen?


Why? Has she also requested guidance from Isaac?


Upon reflection, I realized I hadnt informed Marie of that fact. Although it was announced that Alvenheim would be attending the exhibition, she privately requested the guidance.

So, its not strange that Marie doesnt know, but Cecily seems to have vaguely guessed. She was the person who had met Arwen after me most frequently.

Oh, I forgot to mention it. Arwen also asked me for guidance.

Oh? Cecily, did you know too?

I predicted it since Alvenheim announced participation in the exhibition. Since that person also has feelings for Isaac.



With the sudden bombshell declaration, not only Marie but even I looked at Cecily in great astonishment. Especially, I gave her a puzzled look as if asking what she meant by that.

Cecily, on the other hand, shrugged her shoulders as if she couldnt understand it herself. And she casually threw another bombshell.

You didnt know? She was showing it blatantly, though.


Marie called me with a chilly voice, full of suspicion. At the same time, emitting a cold aura.

But its unfair to me. Its true that Arwen has shown favor towards me on regular occasions, but it wasnt clear whether its romantic or just as a friend.

Even when Cecily and she had a grand confrontation, it was Arwen who was extremely embarrassed after making communist-like remarks, and even after saying that, she was ashamed to death.

I said that, but its not an entirely implausible story. During the high-profile theft incident, I showed some tolerance as my own compromise, and further, I dissolved the elders council, which was a stumbling block, so to speak.

As I carefully reconsidered each aspect, there seemed to be ample room for Arwen to harbor rational affection toward me. The issue lies in the lack of a clear catalyst.

Its not like with Marie and Adelia, where they fell for the person themself, nor is it because Im Xenon, like with Cecily and Kate.

Its not even a cultural clash, like what happened with Leona. With Arwen, I cant even pinpoint where it all began.


Thats the only question that arises from these reasons. Right now, thats all that comes to my mind.

It was as if Cecily could see into my heart, as she blinked her crimson eyes and raised her gaze. It seems shes also slowly retracing her steps after hearing my doubts.

I wish shed tell me quickly. Marie beside me was glaring at me as if shes about to kill me, and I felt suffocated.

After a while, Cecily spoke up about the possible catalyst shes speculating about.

Well theres only one likely thing. That youre Xenon.

Just that?

And the question the queen asked you before she left?

If its the question she asked me its probably about being the reincarnation. But I have no idea how thats relevant at all.

Arwen seems to be under some misconception about me and she developed feelings for me, and I cant predict which way the exhibition will go from now on. But one thing is for sure.

Ha. Seriously. Is it because our Isaac is so popular that its become a hassle?

Nicoles words were right. She said he would even seduce the Elven Queen, and that might actually be true. Maybe the prophet wasnt Isaac but Nicole.

It seems Ill be squeezed by Marie for a while. Even now, while speaking with subdued anger, she was tightly gripping my thigh.

It might be better to give up the lower half of my body to relieve her anger.

Oh my. Can I join in too? Isaac is being too irritating. Actually, it was Queen Arwen who misunderstood on her own, but its still true that he caused it, right?


Shh. Isaac, youre the culprit now. So close your mouth and quietly wait for night to fall. If youre really scared, Ill personally take you to Lady Moras temple.

Mr. Musk, please set up the publishing house as soon as possible. Otherwise, I might be sucked dry.

Thus, Im subjected to a joint attack from Marie and Cecily until the exhibition begins.

Hello, Saint Isaac. Luminous has instructed you to seek blessings from them.

Thank you.

Whether it was a joke or sincerity, Luminous sent Kate to bless me. Still, thanks to the divine power and physical training Ive received so far, I will only be slightly tired and not really on the verge of death. As I felt the sacred energy seeping into my body and let out a long yawn, Kate, who had been gathering her hands and solemnly blessing, opened her mouth.

Come to think of it, the energy of Lady Marie and Cecily has been getting stronger recently. Have you perhaps bestowed your seed upon them?

Yes. Thats correct.

As expected. Youre splendid. Please continue to spread the seed of light widely. If you wish, you can even use my body. You are the light that will save the world.

Who is this person trying to kill?

It was an exhibition that showed strong flags from the beginning. And


Oh, youve come.

Cherry visited the mansion just before the exhibition began, timely as ever.

Translators note:

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