What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 9: Chuchu is not too happy

He Yunxiao stood with his hands folded by the wall of the small, remote courtyard behind the Spring Breeze Mansion.

This area was blocked by the three huge buildings of the Spring Wind Mansion, and was quite a distance from the crowded and wide street.

It is said that this area is the private property of the owner of the Spring Wind Mansion, but He Yunxiao does not know the truth.

The moonlight quietly stretched the shadows of the trees and people at the same angle, and the breeze rustled the leaves.

He Yunxiao looked at the shifting shadows on the ground, and at the hazy lights of the Spring Wind Mansion in the distance, and suddenly had a feeling of being in a different world.

Just a short time ago, he was just an ordinary employee, going to work in order to leave work. Leaving work in order to go to work the next day.

Although uninteresting, life is repetitive, and He Yunxiao is happy with it.

If there was no Chu Xiaoxiao, no Soul Devouring Pills, no feud with the protagonist, what would he have done as a Marquis son?

He had no particular ambitions, but he planned to marry a few beautiful wives and spend his life in peace and quiet.

He Yunxiao is very frank about this aspect of being lustful.

He wants to find a beautiful, gentle and virtuous wife, what is wrong with it?

He is only looking out for himself and he has a small picture.

I am lustful for the sake of the world!

This is what is meant by “beauty and beauty together, the world is one”.

Thinking of this, He Yunxiao, standing with his hands in the air, was touched by a great enthusiasm that made him feel the passion to do something!

So, he turned around, just in time to see Chu Xiaoxiao, who had arrived as promised.

This is a story of ideals being defeated by reality.

He Yunxiao transformed into a lapdog at lightning speed and stood upright. Facing the clear, beautiful and majestic Chu Xiaoxiao, he resolutely put aside his dignity, not daring to move his hands or dart his eyes around.

After all, this is a ruthless character who will kill anyone who touches her body.

“Boss Xiao! I have a someth–..”

A dangerous aura rose around Chu Xiaoxiao.

“Who allowed you to call me that?”

He Yunxiao was stunned. He couldn’t just call her by the first name or call her ” Xiaoxiao” like the protagonist, right?

“Then what should I call you?”

“Just call me casually.”

What the hell? Was that the strongest question and answer right away?

Does a girl’s “Casual” mean “Casual”? or it was “casually you say, but only if you say it to my satisfaction.”

He Yunxiao’s scalp tingled, he was afraid that if he said it wrong again, Chu Xiaoxiao would be in a bad mood and just ring the bell to make everyone happy.

Although with the “Poison resistance boost”, the pain of the Soul Devouring Pill was no longer enough to make his life worse than death. but as a normal person, He Yunxiao had no special quirks, and it was best if it didn’t hurt or feel pain.

“Miss Chu?”

He Yunxiao said tentatively.

Chu Xiaoxiao closed his eyes.

Bad news! There’ s no “casual” about it!

“Miss Xiao? Beauty Xiaoxiao? Patriarch Chu? Supreme Master Chu? Sister Xiao? ……”

Ding! Ding! Ding! the bell rang!

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t even bother to make a look and simply rang the bell.

This time it wasn’t a warning but a punishment!

The bell kept ringing and the continuous pain caused He Yunxiao to fall to the ground, bending his back and hunching up in pain.

“Ah! Xiao Beauty, I’m wrong…”

He Yunxiao instantly begged for mercy.

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly. The He Yunxiao who begged for forgiveness in front of her seemed to make her particularly unhappy.

[Chu Xiaoxiao’s favorability level changed from 30 to 10]

I forgot that she likes people who are “not bullying the young and poor”.

He Yunxiao quickly changed his mind and shouted, “Chu Xiaoxiao! Don’t get carried away. Although I was wrong in the first place, you are torturing me in such a way that goes against the principle of humanity, and justice in heaven and earth will not allow you!”

“The strong hold the reigns of heaven and earth, the weak have justice.”

“Good is rewarded with good, evil with evil, and injustice will kill you if you do more!”

“Instead of seeking heavenly justice, why not come and seek this venerable one?” -Chu

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at He Yunxiao, who was lying on the ground, and half-crouched down, extending her slender jade hand to him.

The ringing stopped and He Yunxiao was finally able to move now.

“As long as you are my Venerable’s dog, I will give you the antidote to the Soul Devouring Pill.”

The palm of her hand was down, and her five fingers hung naturally.

This was not a handshake pose at all! Rather, it was for He Yunxiao to be a dog and bend down to lick it!

He Yunxiao looked at her slender jade fingers and actually didn’t mind too much.

As long as the moral line was flexible enough, there were no rules that could constrain him.

But, if he did that, Chu Xiaoxiao would chop off his head on the spot.

With his eyes steadfast, He Yunxiao slowly crawled towards Chu Xiaoxiao’s outstretched hand.

[Chu Xiaoxiao’s favorability level changed from 10 to 5]

“Are you really giving me the antidote?”

He Yunxiao asked in a deep voice.

Without any nonsense, Chu Xiaoxiao threw out a potion.

He Yunxiao caught it, and without asking whether it was real or not, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully. Making an empty swallowing motion, he left the chewed pill dregs in his mouth.

Afterwards, he brought his face up next to the jade hand.

[Chu Xiaoxiao’s favorability level changed from 5 to 1]

In order not to arouse Chu Xiaoxiao’s suspicion, He Yunxiao didn’t use a trace of his internal strength.

After a mere moment of brewing, he rushed towards Chu Xiaoxiao’s outstretched jade hand and bit down!

So what if one’s martial arts skills were the best in the world?

Even if he bites her, she’s still a young girl with tender skin and flesh!

Knowing that Chu Xiaoxiao was invincible in martial arts. He Yunxiao showed no mercy and used deadly force in one bite.

His teeth tore through the flesh and blood came out instantly!

The pills left in his teeth and mouth from careful chewing also took effect at that moment. It was a medicine that was poisonous and the power of the medicine began to corrupt Chu Xiaoxiao’s skin like crazy.

From the very beginning, He Yunxiao did not believe that a great villain like Chu Xiaoxiao would really give herself the antidote!

A sickly girl like her didn’t care about anyone but Chu Fan. If I wasn’t still somewhat useful, I would have been killed by her long ago.

I can only say that Chu Xiaoxiao is worthy of being a martial arts practitioner.

Reacting the moment she was attacked, her other hand struck out directly, slapping He Yunxiao’s abdomen fiercely.

Afterwards, she hurriedly used her internal force to force out the potion’s medicinal powers that had seeped into her skin.

The bleeding on her hand was quickly stopped, but He Yunxiao’s teeth marks remained.

The skin was so corroded that the teeth marks on his hand were deep and ugly. It could be cured, but not in a day’s work, and it would take some effort.

For the first time, this indifferent woman frowned.

[Chu Xiaoxiao’s Favorability Level changed from 1 to 20]

He Yunxiao was hit by Chu Xiaoxiao quite lightly, but still staggered to his feet. Meanwhile, thanks to the Soul Devouring Pill’s overdrawn vitality, his body was now recovering very quickly.

“If you kill me now, our previous efforts against Chu Fan and Du Yinyun will have been undone.”

“You’re threatening this venerable being?”

Chu Xiaoxiao used the thin veil of her outer garment to cover her injured hand, her expression still cold.

He Yunxiao finally felt relieved when he saw that she did not intend on making another move.

He had managed to feel Chu Xiaoxiao’s temper. This girl was like a cat that liked to blow up its fur. Firstly, the cat’s paw must be on top, and secondly, she will definitely be more aggressive than you.

To deal with cats, He Yunxiao had his own way of dealing with them.

First dislike her, then jerk her off with her fur, then give her a snack to make her let her guard down, and finally leave a small box for her to get into.

To “dislike her” means not to show weakness, but to make her put you on an equal footing.

The “smooth” way is to give her flattery. Whether it works or not, you have to take a shot first.

He Yunxiao is now in the second stage.

He said bluntly, “Your martial arts skills are unparalleled in the world, I’m afraid no one who can threaten you has been born yet.”

Chu Xiaoxiao did not have an expression, nor did she speak.

It was difficult to speak in agreement with a superior person like Chu Xiaoxiao, and generally not speaking was already a certainty.

He Yunxiao was not greedy for more and immediately moved on to the next stage, “giving snacks”.

He added, “Du Yinyun has a big crush on me now, so if nothing unexpected happens, she won’t cross paths with Chu Fan again.”

When it came to “Chu Fan”, Chu Xiaoxiao rarely disliked anyone.


He Yunxiao immediately began to structure the “Box”.

“However, although Miss Du is very fond of me, Chu Fan is too good, so I’m afraid it will be difficult to make Chu Fan disappear from her view completely for a while. Unless, of course, I make Miss Du lower her affection for Chu Fan, then the two of them will become strangers and she will never pay attention to Chu Fan again.”

Naturally, Chu Xiaoxiao did not know how to do that, if she had, she wouldn’t, by relying on He Yunxiao.

“Speak straight, this Venerable One doesn’t like to beat around the bush.”

“Good. But right now I still don’t know exactly what to call Miss Chu. It would be too inconvenient to keep calling her ‘Miss’ without a title.”

It seemed that the hope of resolving Du Yinyun was good, and Chu Xiaoxiao was in a good mood.


The corner of He Yunxiao’s mouth twitched, “Casual” again.

As if gambling, He Yunxiao said directly, “If Chu Fan calls you ‘Xiaoxiao’, then I’ll call you ‘Chuchu’.”

There was silence.

He Yunxiao also did not even dare to let out his breath.

“If you can really break off Du Yinyun’s thoughts, this Venerable One will spare you for once.”

“Being able to break it is possible, but I need Chuchu to cooperate with me for a bit.”


Chu Xiaoxiao raised her hand, and a strong internal force hammered on He Yunxiao’s body, causing his five organs to shake violently and making him retreat ten steps.

“Your words don’t count!”

“This venerable one’s word is my word.”

“Yo-you just said you would spare me once.”

“Not this time.”





Rubbing his chest, He Yunxiao wasn’t going to play anymore.

This woman was too rogue, and if she couldn’t say no, she’d just do it.

Without beating around the bush, he said directly, “You’ll have to cooperate with me, I’m going to provoke Chu Fan into beating me up savagely. Miss Du will not like people who bully the weak, and this will bring down her feelings towards Chu Fan. But I’m afraid that Chu Fan will just beat me to death, so you’ll have to help me.”

Chu Xiaoxiao did not say anything.


“Let’s see you perform.”

She said, and an internal force pumped into He Yunxiao’s body again.

She used the same move several times, and He Yunxiao was now very skilled at it, using her luck to counteract it, and his body swayed, only taking a step back.

The purpose of this “date” was finally resolved, but He Yunxiao suddenly realized something important.

“Chuchu, you said you’d do what you said’?”

Chu Xiaoxiao threw out a piece of internal energy.

“You don’t believe me?”

“Then the Soul Devouring Pill antidote you gave me can’t be true, can it?”

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t bother to answer and turned around to go back to Spring Breeze Mansion.

He Yunxiao was anxious.

Crap, then it really was a real antidote!

“Chuchu, do you still have it then?”

Inner strength hit him as usual, and Chu Xiaoxiao wasn’t even interested in answering.

With the antidote gone in front of him, He Yunxiao scratched his head, “How long do I have to live?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said with interest, “A year.”

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