Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 240: The Hollow Square Formation 3

TL: Etude

As Jace’s horse raised its front hooves, several cannonballs whistled through the air. A 6-pound cannonball nearly grazed his face as it flew by.

The cannonball plunged into the ground not far away, splattering mud on his face. Still carrying a significant amount of kinetic energy, the cannonball immediately bounced back.


Nearby, a warhorse’s left foreleg was severed into two by the rebounding cannonball, emitting a painful cry before collapsing to the ground, unable to rise again. The rider on its back was also thrown to the ground in a heap.

The cannonball continued to bounce erratically on the ground, as if plowing through the earth, unleashing its destructive power. The cavalry and horses in its path were extremely unlucky, with some suffering flesh wounds, some strained muscles, and others meeting a direct and fatal end.

The first round of cannon fire was merely a test shot. The Alda artillery fired six cannonballs, only two of which hit the target unit. However, due to the dense arrangement of the enemy, they still managed to kill two men and three horses and severely injure four men and five horses.

“Spread out! Everyone, spread out!”

This time, without Jace’s reminder, the Kent family’s cavalry unit descended into chaos. The previously tight formation scattered in disarray. Even without the knights’ urging, the startled horses began to panic.

“Run! Pick up the pace!”

To avoid being targeted by the ‘Thunder Hammers,’ the cavalry spurred their horses to run faster.

Jace, who had narrowly escaped divine retribution, was drenched in cold sweat. The experience had been too perilous, and his right cheek still felt searingly hot.

Just as they had run a short distance, several more “booms” sounded, and the artillery positioned at another corner of the square formation opened fire!

This round of cannon fire did not yield any casualties, but its immense power further demoralized the cavalry.

After enduring several rounds of cannon fire and losing a few more men, Jace finally recognized the situation at hand – he was completely helpless against this square formation!

His men couldn’t get close to the enemy, while the enemy’s ‘Thunder Hammers’ could chase and attack them. Moreover, the firing speed, range, and power of the ‘Thunder Hammers’ far surpassed similar weapons like catapults and crossbow cannons.


Reluctantly accepting reality, he decisively ordered a retreat, leading his knights and attendants to withdraw in a sparse and loose formation back the way they had come.

The Alda ‘Thunder Hammers’ continued to “escort” them with fire until they were out of range.

Bryce held a telescope, observing the direction in which the enemy army was retreating.

“It doesn’t look like a feigned retreat!”

He then ordered the disbandment of the hollow square formation, with the first battalion and the artillery company continuing to guard the surroundings, and the second battalion and the transport company to clean up the battlefield.

After the order was given, the battlefield suddenly became eerily quiet.

This silence lasted only a few seconds before being shattered by an unexpected noise.

“Hurrah! Hurrah!”

All the soldiers suddenly erupted, hysterically shouting.

“We have won!”

Excitement and pride filled everyone’s faces.

The new recruits, needless to say, and even the veterans felt the same. Although they had participated in battles against pirates and the suppression of the Baylding rebellion, none of those were as thrilling as this recent encounter.

They had just faced off against nearly 300 knights!

Returning home, they could boast about this for a lifetime, passing down the glorious deeds to their descendants.

Strictly speaking, nearly half of the Kent family’s cavalry unit consisted of knight attendants, but to the former infantry, there was no difference. As long as they rode majestic — in their view — horses and wore luxurious — again, in their view — armor, they were formidable figures not to be trifled with.

Now, over 200 once formidable figures were being chased away in disarray by Jace and his companions, leaving behind many corpses.

“God bless us with the swiftness of wind, thunder, and lightning~ Who doesn’t know of Lord Grayman and his soldiers~”

“Lord Grayman~ My lord~ The hero with a shimmering laurel wreath~ Your soldiers will always be the most loyal~”

“As long as you let us sweep through our enemies~ We will overturn the world for you~”

The soldiers spontaneously started singing the song they used to sing during marches, becoming more and more enthusiastic.

Before, the song felt a bit boastful, but after the recent battle, the officers and soldiers were completely immersed in it.


A sudden gunshot halted everyone from continuing their excitement.

Deputy Commander Joyce, with a stern face, held a smoking pistol in his right hand and said coldly, “If I had turned the gun barrel slightly just now, one of you would have been dead.”

Then he gave Bryce a meaningful look.

Bryce, initially startled, quickly caught on and a fleeting look of embarrassment crossed his face — he had been carried away by the soldiers’ emotions.

“Cough, cough!” He coughed twice, put on a serious face, and ordered loudly, “Scout squad, send someone to follow them and see if they are really retreating!”

As soon as he finished speaking, several riders emerged from the square formation and dashed towards the direction the Kent family’s cavalry had retreated.

Bryce spoke gravely to everyone:

“I understand everyone’s excitement at this moment, but we are on the battlefield and must prioritize vigilance. Such behavior is prohibited in the future! Execute my previous orders immediately!”


Everyone refocused and responded in unison.

The first infantry battalion and the artillery company continued their vigilance, while the second infantry battalion and the transport company spread out in squads to search and clean up the battlefield.

“Look at this horse, so tall and strong! Perfect for pulling cannons!”

“This armor looks very valuable! Shiny… Ah, and a bag of money!”

“I remind you, all captures must be reported and accounted for!”

The battlefield was filled with laughter and chatter. Although Major Joyce had just given them a scare, the joy of victory hadn’t diminished at all.

Many of the Kent family’s cavalry became prisoners of the Alda army. Either they were injured and couldn’t move, or their mounts were down, and they were caught after attempting to flee on foot.

Alda soldiers gathered the mobile prisoners together, ordering loudly, “Stand in line and behave!”

Some of the captive knights began to act haughty:

“I remind you, peasant! I am a noble knight… Ouch! How dare you hit me!”

“To hell with that! Still putting on airs in this situation!”

“I protest! You can’t treat a knight like this! Call your commander!”

“Protest my foot! Keep whining, and you’ll taste the gun!”

Seeing the ‘fire crossbows’ in the hands of the soldiers, the captives quieted down.

While the Alda army was busy, dust rose again on the northern road. The soldiers cleaning the battlefield immediately became alert.

“It’s the same Heller family’s cavalry from before!”

An officer with a telescope recognized them.

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