North x Northwest

Chapter 320

‘It would be naïve to think that Venua is the only player who’s making a move. After all, he, unlike me, isn’t someone who can leave without a trace. Some people will wonder about his absence and track down the cause for it.’

Lil passed through the village entrance, wondering who else could disturb their supposedly peaceful journey…



The second largest port city in the western Mondovi Peninsula after Roahn. Nevertheless, its scale was no match for Roahn. Ships passing through Simena were mainly passenger ships for travel, making the number of trade ships here minute. Still, because many ships were sailing between the empire’s mainland and the Imperial Western Alsace Islands, Simena was a naturally well-equipped city with accommodations and conveniences for travellers.

The reason why Mireille wanted to spend a day in Simena was so that he could stay in a proper lodging. After passing Simena, Roahn would be the next stop as there was nothing in between those two cities that was worth staying at. He refused to sleep in those so-called luxury inns in small towns any longer.

The port, crowded with travellers, finally gave him some room to breathe. For Mireille, who was someone who conceptualised prospective business ventures every day, touring Simena’s port was an activity he even found pleasant.

As he walked around the harbour, he entertained the idea of launching a ferry service onto the southern Ingres Sea. However, his immersion in this idea didn’t last long.

Because he spotted a very familiar woman.

Amidst the busy travellers and porters, his sight got fixed on her as though they were destined to meet each other.

But this said woman was accompanied by a very familiar man.

‘A man so tall that even with a hat on, it would be impossible not to notice him. And due to his injured arm, his black justaucorps is merely draped over his shoulder, making him look even bigger.’

Every young woman passing by glanced at the man. Mireille knew that under normal circumstances, every gentleman passing by would have glanced at the woman as well. However, at the moment, half of her face was covered with a large hat.

“…I did hear about the return of the fleet, but there was no official communication about his arrival. Who knew he would stab me in the back like this…”

Enzo had no idea as to what Mireille was referring to and asked back.


Ignoring him, Mireille focused on the scene on the other side of the port. He could mostly only see their backs, but from time to time, they would glance to their sides, making Mireille unable to take his eyes off of them.

‘The two seem to be out at the dock to see someone off. No, this ‘someone’ is already standing next to them. Two Southerners with very tanned skin… What a strange combination. I sent this man to get the woman, but now, the man is standing next to the woman as if guarding her. Meanwhile, this woman is displaying hearty affection to slaves who don’t deserve the least bit of her attention. This is like watching a poorly-written comedy…

But it’s strange how kind this woman’s attitude toward the Southerners is. It seems to me like her feelings for them run deeper than her usual pity for slaves. She’s even tapping the shoulders of the stocky one, and he does the same to her…’

Mireille’s brows frowned.

‘I might be seeing it wrong. I definitely hope I’m seeing it wrong.’

He then nodded towards the coachman next to him.

“Make her look this way.”

“Huh? She seems too immersed in her conversation, so how could I…”

“Do not tell me you cannot even make her move her head this way?”

Raising his hand, Enzo intervened.

“Shall I? Your Grace…”

“Not you. She might remember your face.”



The coachman handed the luggage he was carrying to Enzo and walked away hesitantly. He cut through the crowd and took off his hat. Fortunately for Mireille, his balding head sparkled under the sunlight, helping him avoid losing sight of the short coachman.

When the coachman finally reached the woman, a black cane popped out of nowhere, and the coachman’s outstretched hand was flicked away. The man, who only looked sideways in the beginning, eventually turned towards the coachman completely and thus turned towards Mireille.

The man’s cool gaze fixed on the coachman. At the same time, the black cane pointed threateningly at the coachman’s neck. No one saw how he moved it so quickly, and even the coachman realised it belatedly and started trembling. The coachman, who had been looking up at the man with his head bent backwards for a moment, quickly bowed his head.

With the coachman continuing to grovel, the woman also turned around.

‘Blue eyes. Diluted pale blue like the ocean… Black hair peeking out from under her hat… Smooth skin and flawless features belonging to someone who has stepped out of a famous painting…’



“Who do you think she is?”

“I apologise, I cannot seem to follow, who are you talking about?”

Enzo followed Mireille’s imprecise chin motion and turned his head. It was a port bustling with people, so he couldn’t tell who Mireille was asking him to see. As he frowned and looked around, there was one woman who eventually caught his eye. As she was dealing with Mireille’s coachman, her gaze had turned towards them.

“Uh… Huh?”

The coachman, who was waving at her to repeatedly apologise, soon disappeared to the other side. Shortly after that, the man and woman turned to face the two Southerners again as if nothing had happened.

“That, that person…”

“Shh. She might hear her name even from this far away.”

“…Oh yes, yes!”

The man then leaned close to the woman and whispered. Mireille knew all too well that the woman despised this kind of contact with men since she was young, so allowing herself to just have that much distance between them meant that they were very close.

The woman who received the whisper laughed out loud and even clapped her hands in delight. Similarly, the man laughed alongside her.

‘They appear to be very, very intimate.’

“…What a predictable ending…”


‘What’s even more surprising is that that man can even laugh like that. Whenever I saw him, he was always full of contempt and indifference. His treatment towards me didn’t even differ from his attitude towards the Emperor.’

“No matter how crazy he is, he is just a man after all…”

Mireille’s gaze shifted back to the woman.

‘Although it’s disappointing to see that woman’s body in men’s clothing, I’ll have to admit she still looks good.’

“Well, I guess he wanted to have a taste of her at least once. What kind of man would not want that? But judging from their intimate display their shallow affair has not ended yet.”

Enzo still had his jaw dropped and his mouth open. Mireille lit up a cigarette and exhaled a long puff of smoke.

“For now, let us pretend I have not seen them yet. After so many years our first meeting should be a surprise.”

He glared at the back of the woman’s hand, which naturally held the man’s arm. Beneath the brim of her hat, the woman’s lips spoke softly.

‘Those red and plump lips of yours…’

“I’m looking forward to our reunion…”

He chewed the end of his cigarette and without realising it, his jaw clenched.


After pressing down on his hat, Alain held out his hand. As Lil took it, a smile formed beneath his moustache.

“Take care of yourself, Captain. No, Lil.”

Lil nodded and answered humbly.

“You guys. If anyone starts a fight on the ship, make sure to show them the documents I gave you.”

“No, I didn’t mean that as a simply generic goodbye. I really meant that. You must stay alive until we meet again.”

“What do you mean?”

“I figured that the Captain must also be a noble from this Empire. Wasn’t someone risking his life to pursue you? I’m also talking about the prisoner who was thought to be dead but is actually alive, and the doctor’s shattered shoulder. I have a sense of what’s going on, so I am keeping quiet. Once these pressing matters are resolved, we should all go for a drink in Amiaeng.”

“Of course.”

Lil tapped Jericho on the shoulder and shook Jericho’s hand just before they started walking. It was a pity she had to let them go as there wasn’t much time left before the Southerners’ departure. And even though she truly wanted to have a drink with them, in reality, she might never see them again.

Lil impulsively called their names.

“Alain, Jericho…”

The two people who were stepping on the gangway leading to the merchant ship turned around. Their faces were the faces of the people she had always known, but Alain in particular seemed much older than when she first met him. Now, wrinkles stood out on his sweat-free face. Lil took off her hat and placed it on her chest, leaving her sweltering hair to blow coolly in the wind. Not minding her dishevelled hair, she spoke.

“It was an honour to have worked with you.”

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